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SPX APV Delta M4

Applying the SPX APV Type Delta M4/MP4

SPX APV has a wide range of aseptic valves and switch valves. For example the series Delta M4 and MP4. By using the standard existing leak detection channel, a possible damage to the membrane is to be noted in good time, so that the aseptic function can be restored. The SPX APV single seat valve MP4 has a valve stem which is completely TFM, which enables that this type of valve can also be used in situations where elastomers are not desirable.

All metal parts that come in contact with the product are standard in stainless steel AISI 316L. The SPX APV single seat valves are fitted with EPDM sealing rings, but can also be supplied with FPM (Viton) and HNBR elastomers. All applied elastomers are admitted FDA. The SPX APV single seat valve can be equipped with a Control Unit equipped with solenoid valve and double feedback in Direct Connect, AS-Interface, Device-Net or Profi-Bus.

Articlenr. Description Dimensions Stock
SPX APV Delta M4
Aseptic single seat valve Delta M4 Type 41L (12) 1" EPDM 316L
1" (ø 25,4 mm)
Articlenr. Description Dimension Elastomer Stock
Servicekit M31 4" EPDM
Spare part set Delta M31 4" EPDM
Servicekit M4/MT4 2 1/2" /DN65 EPDM
Servicekit single seat membrane valve M4/MT4 2.5"/NW65 EPDM
Servicekit M(P)4 1" EPDM
Spare part set Delta M4-MP4 1" EPDM
Servicekit M4/MT4 DN 80 EPDM
Servicekit single seat membrane valve M4/MT4 NW80 EPDM
Servicekit M4/MT4 1 "/DN 25 EPDM
Servicekit single seat membrane valve M4/MT4 1"/NW25 EPDM
Servicekit M(P)4 DN65 HNBR
Spare part set Delta M4-MP4 DN65 HNBR
Servicekit M(P)4 DN50 EPDM
Spare part set Delta M4-MP4 DN50 EPDM
Servicekit M(P)4 1" HNBR
Spare part set Delta M4-MP4 1" HNBR
Servicekit M4/MT4 4 "/DN 100 HNBR
Servicekit single seat membrane valve M4/MT4 4"/NW100 HNBR
Servicekit M4/MT4 2 "/DN 50 HNBR
Servicekit single seat membrane valve M4/MT4 2"/NW50 HNBR
Servicekit M4/MT4 1 1/2" /DN40 EPDM
Servicekit single seat membrane valve M4/MT4 1,5"/NW40 EPDM
Servicekit M(P)4 DN40 EPDM
Spare part set Delta M4-MP4 DN40 EPDM
Product contact parts 316 L 1.4404
ID finish 0,8 μm
Other stainless steel parts 304 / 1.4301
Standard seals EPDM
Max. operating pressure 5 bar
Sizes DN25 – DN100 / 1” – 4”
Seal options PFM (Viton) or HNBR
Max. temperature Depends on elastomer
Actuator 1.4301
Membrane TFM / EPDM
  Option: membrane shaft M4 TFM
Required air pressure 6 – 8 bar
  Spring closed or spring open
  Intergrated lift
Working principle
Closed position valve Standard
Valve seal -
Visual leak detection -
Cleanable leak room -
Cleanable upper valve -
Cleanable lower valve -
Mix proof switching -
Balanced valves -
House connection -
Revision/disassembly -
Special tools necessary Yes, for the seals