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EN 10374 - DIN 11852

EN 10374 describes the technical specifications for weld bends, T-pieces and adapters and has a direct reference to EN 10357. All other welded fittings such as T-bends or Y-pieces, cross pieces or end caps are not described in the standard, but are manufactured from pipes in accordance with EN 10357. The dimensions and specifications for the bends, T-pieces and adapters are fixed, for the other parts such as T-bends, Y-pieces, etc. these may differ per manufacturer.

Bends with an angle of 45°, 90° or 180°.
  • Type BS (short version) 
  •  Type BL (long version)

  • Type RCS (short concentric version) 
  •  Type RCL (long concentric version) 
  •  Type RES (short eccentric version) 
  •  Type REL (long eccentric version)
  • Type TL (with equal legs and even diameter)
  • Type TS (with short legs and even diameter) 
  • Type TRL (with equal legs and increasing diameter)
  • Type TRS (with short legs and increasing diameter)
Size range and material
According to EN 10357.

Material according to EN 10088-1
Stainless steel types; 1.4306 or 1.4307 (304L) and 1.4404 or 1.4432 (316L)

EN 10357-A  (DIN)

45° Bends

DIN sizes
Go to 45° Bends

90° Bends

DIN sizes
Go to 90° Bends


DIN sizes
Go to T-pieces


DIN sizes
Go to reducers

EN 10374-D (INCH) 

45° Bends

INCH sizes
Go to 45° Bends

90° Bends

INCH sizes
Go to 90° bends


INCH sizes
Go to T-pieces


INCH sizes
Go to reducers


DIN 10357
DN EN 10357 A
(DIN 11850 Reihe II)
DN 10 13 x 1,5 mm
DN 15 19 x 1,5 mm
DN 20 23 x 1,5 mm
DN 25 29 x 1,5 mm
DN 32 35 x 1,5 mm
DN 40 41 x 1,5 mm
DN 50 53 x 1,5 mm
DN 65 70 x 2,0 mm
DN 80 85 x 2,0 mm
DN 100 104 x 2,0 mm
DN 125 129 x 2,0 mm
DN 150 154 x 2,0 mm
DN 200 204 x 2,0 mm
DIN 10357
Inch EN 10357 D
1 " 25x1,2 mm
25,4 x1,6 mm
1 1/4 " 32 x 1,2 mm
1,5 " 38 x 1,2 mm
38,1 x 1,5 mm
38,1 x 1,6 mm
2" 50,8 x 1,5 mm
50,8 x 1,6 mm
51 x 1,2 mm
2,5 " 63,5 x 1,5 mm
76,1 x 1,5 mm
3 " 76,1 x 1,6 mm
76,1 x 2,0 mm
4 " 101,6 x 2,0 mm

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