In the huge and diverse range of welding fittings for sanitary pipes available worldwide, SKS has made a selection for you and provides the brand Q-Fitt. With this we highly streamlined our range. As your specialist in stainless steel piping components, we see it as our duty to fulfill this role. We as stockholder and supplier to the process industries, benefit from this slimming.
The Q Fitt weld fittings are not only manufactured to the standards, but are also marked with the necessary information. As a result, the required traceability is guaranteed and there is no cumbersome and costly certificates procedure necessary. In combination with the underlying system of SKS, we meet the requirements according to EN / 1935/2004.
Summarizing adjusts the Q Fitt range in multiple ways in your application:
- Guarantee of Quality
- Risk cover for legal guidelines
- Guarantee traceability
- Always current specification to your suppliers
- Appropriate and consistent piping
- Easily controllable on receipt
Q Fitt is available in sizes from the relevant standards. The specific data on tolerances, radius and mounting dimensions are of course available on request. Any changes to the standard, we will of course apply the Q-Fitt specification. This brand Q-Fitt will always meet all current guidelines. On the website you will find a complete overview of our products and if you are looking for more information you can always contact one of our equipment engineers.